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Hi there Kim, Great photos :-)

Love the shot of the veronica and the bee! Ah... but the hosta flower is a sight for sore eyes :-D

I've been out all day so I guess my post will be late once again :-D


Beautiful shots, Kim. I planted the Zagreb coreopsis in the front yard redo, but it's not blooming yet. I also have a yellow daylily that blooms and blooms - Stella d'Oro - but it's not blooming yet either. We've had such a cool May that things are really slow this year.


Oh, you are so making a trip to help me with my garden! GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carol, May Dreams Gardens

Thanks for joining in for bloom day. I also have 'Happy Returns' but it isn't blooming yet. I don't know if it is even sending up flower stalks yet.


The line forms behind me Niki - I called her first!!!! Such lovely blooming going on in your garden Kim.

Sarah Laurence (England)

These are gorgeous photos - they just seem to pop out at you. I can see why the bee stopped for a sip.

Sarah Laurence (England)

These are gorgeous photos - they just seem to pop out at you. I can see why the bee stopped for a sip.

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