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Do you think they are extra hungry this year? Listen to me, too softhearted and spoken like someone who has no deer bothering her lilies! Hopefully they will grow wings and fly over your lilies and other pretties the next time! BTW...I got to pet a big fat bumbly fat bee one morning, I knew you would like to know. It was wonderful and just as you described...he was asleep on a leaf and didn't mind the tiny little caress at all! Thanks, Gail


Gail, we are rethinking the "no fence" philosophy we had. I think a little fence with a moon gate between my house and neighbor's fence (about 15 ft width) is in order. Oh, and I'm glad you got to pet the bee. Turns out, I've been talking about carpenter bees when I THOUGHT they were bumble bees. Bumbles have hairy abdomens and carpenters are smooth. Either way, they are good pollinators and good to have around.


No one seems to like the carpenter bees, truth be told they really aggravated me when they drilled into my beautiful carport...but they moved into a rustic bench we made from cedar and gosh I don't care at all!

A moon gate sounds nice and won't it be a focal point.



Kim, Thanks for stopping by Hoe & Shovel. I'm glad --so I could find your blog. Love your photo today. We don't have deer but the armadillos are making my life a little more difficult than I like. They don't eat the plants they just uproot them. GRRRRR!
Meems @Hoe&Shovel

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