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It looks like a good bug! You never know sometimes what is good and what is bad. They are so many beneficial bugs out there that just aren't commonly known. Good post!

Robin Wedewer

I find that identifying bugs is one of the most difficult tasks. I have about three bugs in baggies sitting on my desk from this summer waiting for me to find names for them. (I hear you. "Oooooh, gross!")

I will try your resources though. I would very much like to know the names of my enemies!

Robin Wedewer
National Gardening Examiner (and chicken lover)


Hey there! I thought I left a message here! I must be losing it or them. Let's blame blogger. Great photo and how like a scientist type to give you such a succinct answer!



Nice shot of that bug! I will keep my eyes open for them in my garden!


Hi Kim, way to get to the bottom of things. I have used the What's That Bug site many times and love it. I find myself looking at all the photos even after the one that was needing an ID had been named. Your photo was fabulous.


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