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Sylvia (England)

Kim, I love Jack Frost as well. I would add to what you have said that it is easy to split and I now have lots of plants from my one plant.

What I want to know from plant profiles is how a plant behaves 'the rest of the year', information rarely given. For example Jack is unusual in it starts early in spring with small leaves, the flowers (like forget-me-nots) are quite tall above the leaves. Once the flowers are over (I cut them off at this point) the leaves get larger and it looks like a different plant. It is now great groundcover and the leaves last well into autumn before I cut them off over the winter ready for the new tiny leaves in spring.

I grow it will all sorts of other plants, it looks lovely with tulips and other spring bulbs. It provides a lovely silver sparkle to shady areas during the summer, looks lovely with ferns or hostas. I am sure I will find other plants to complement it this year.

The leaves are rough, like Pulmonaria and until this week I would have said slug/snail proof but some small plants in the nursery bed have been eaten!

Sorry I got carried away but I do love this plant and find it has so much to offer. I grow other Brunnera but Jack Frost is my favourite - so far!

Best wishes Sylvia (England)


Hi Kim, I love your plant profile idea and do some on occasion on my blog too. There can never be too much plant info! I look at the guy often at the nursery but the price stops me every time. That and the fact of no moist shade at all. Why spend so much for sure failure? I did have some regular green leaf brunneras that perished so that is not a good sign. Yours look lovely and I will admire them in your garden. :-)


I fell in love with Brunnera (all kinds) when I visited the Denver Botanic Gardens in May. Talk about mass plantings!! I finally was able to snag 'Jack Frost' this spring and I missed the blooms because the company sent it after blooming time. I cannot wait until this love takes off!! For now, I'll visit your page and admire yours. :)


It's beautiful. I just added a Jack Frost this year, so not much happening there yet, but I'm happy to read yours took off in the second year. I am also adding some Brunnera Looking Glass which I find equally as stunning.

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