« Kitchen Garden Update 17 May 2009 | Main | Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' »


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It's beautiful...and will be fantastic in bloom! Won't spring ephemerals and wild flowers fill in the ground nicely~~Kim you've done a marvelous job! Gail


Hi Kim, oh those dastardly squirrels! I hope they can behave and allow that beautiful garden to grow well and prosper! You are winning against the odds of critters it semms. :-)


Oh, I so hear you on the squirrels! They mostly attack my sunflowers and scrabble around where I've planted seeds, I haven't had them denude a shrub yet. I would be steaming mad!!! Love all that you have planted, it's going to be quite a showpiece garden when everything gets growing. Congrats!

Hey, I did ask my mom, the seed queen, about the pre-sprouting thing and she said that she always does it so she can see what germinated before it goes in the ground. Beans and squash were both on her list of "yes" for pre-sprouting indoors. I think maybe root crops like carrots or beets you would not do this to, but I'm not sure. Good luck!!

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