A few posts ago, I had a post that mentioned some pollinators new to me, and I posted some photos. I thought the last photo might be a hoverfly, and I think I was right. I thought I'd followed the same fly and caught it in all the pictures I took, but after doing some research, I think I was wrong. I don't know what species my fly happens to be, but I do know I captured more than one. How do I know that if they all have the same markings?
Because one is female and one is male. And how do I know that? Well, see if you can tell the difference. Here's the female.
And here's the male.
Notice anything different? OK, I know I didn't make it easy, because the aspects are different. But, believe me, you have enough to quickly tell the difference.
Give up? OK, I'll give you a hint. Look at the eyes.
The female has two distinct, separate eyes, and the male's eyes meet in the middle. So now you know how to tell male and female hoverflies apart. And I want to see all of you running around with magnifying glasses, because you'll need them to see these little flies. Either that, or you'll have to do your observing through your camera's lens. Whichever way you choose, I'll have fun watching YOU.